I’ve been happily living in Scotland for last 16 months or so and I must admit I like this nation. They are very porud people and I respect their pride. Although it’s sometimes funny how often Scotsmen show their independence form the rest of the United Kingdom or just how much they love their heritage.
Some examples...
The other day I spoke to a taxi driver who had a friend. That friend spoke four languages...a bit of German, a bit of Dutch, English and Scottish. Yes, Scottish not Gaelic. Because – as taxi driver explained me- Scottish and English are different languages.
There is a pinch of truth in that statement- pronunciation of some words in English and Scottish differs so much that it’s really hard guess what word has just been used although a word is spelled in the same way. Scotsmen have some words hardly ever used in England (wee problem so far) or have they own words – aw’right instead of hi! or aw’right as I’m fine or cheers as thanks,)
A contest with a prize : what does it mean:
Shudnae? Cudnae? Wudnae? Gonnae? Post your answers in the comment field :)
And for more advanced in Scottish – Gonnae no dae that?
What is a prize ? Read at the end of this post.
Ok, coming back to the main topic...can somebody explain me why there is a Scottish flag on food products? When in Scotland you can buy eggs, beef, milk, apples, fish with a Scottish flag on packing. Seriously!! And if you try harder you can buy anything with a Scottish flag on it.
And when you are on bus you will see Scottish tartan on seats!
I went a to Scottish National Museum in Edinburgh (please note: most Scottish cultural institutions offers free entry) and i watched a short film about Scottish nation through ages. I swear – every important person, every scientist, every single artist: was Scottish, or had Scottish origin, or visited Scotland or had a Scottish friend/ neighbour or had something to do with Scotland. Seriously I had that impression after watching that clip.
All in all I admire this national pride and like the fact that Scottish people are focused on what’s good about them and their nation.
And the watch clip, it an ad but tells you something about Scotland.
Prize - if get all the answers right you can post something on these boards :)