Never mind, today I want write about something which is not so good and was a great shock when I discovered it. Usually I am a happy, relaxed and quite chatty person. So whenever anybody asks me one of those immortal questions “how are you”, “how is it going”, “how is yourself” I tend answer that I’m good or something similar. And for a very long time I thought that you do care when you ask these questions! I was pretty sure that if I had said something like “I’m bad” somebody would have asked why it is so and can they help me. Imagine how surprised I was when it happened for the first time. A woman I used work with asked me how I was. So I told “Well, bad actually. I have a terrible headache and I’m not in the mood, you no”. And what she said- I swear to God I’m not making this up- “oh, that’s good”. I didn’t know what to say.
I thought it could have been like one-off thing, but no my foreign friends had similar experiences.
I don’t know why it so, but I’ve learnt that these question asked by your colleagues, lecturers, employers mean very little and in fact whatever you say will be just fine for them.
Why do I find this strange? Because in Poland we hardly ever ask these question to non-friends or non-members of our families. But when we do, we are really interested in the answer. We really want to know yourself is.
Good thing is that if a friend of mine asks me how am doing I know s/he means it :)
Brit's aren't the worst at this!
In Canada/USA EVERYONE asks "how are you today?" when they say hello - I don't even know if they want an answer!
Is that so?!
Intresting, why do you think it so?
sooo true!
I constantly find myself in situations where I am going on and on and on about how I feel, how my day was etcetc. and the (British) person who made the terrible mistake of asking me that question looking very puzzled and impatient :-) But I wish they'd just not ask if they don't want to know... (funny blog by the way... see ya in Japanese tomorrow) Anna
Aye. Sometimes I think that I'm speaking with androids;) They ask one question and expect one answer! Her's an appeal:
If anyone asks you tomorrow "How are you?" just say "horrible". You'll see who actually cares about your answer :D
ive even seen people ask how are ya when waling past each other, as a sort of replacement hello. leaving absolutely no time for ans answer.
its rather weird, but i guess ive got used to it by now.
nice blog btw, quite an interesting read.
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